Zygmunt Kaczyński “Wesoły” (“Cheerful”) was one of the members of the Polish Underground during World War II in Warsaw. For his supporting yet important role in the “Arsenal Action” he deserves to be remembered and honored. And so it happens that he was… my husband’s grandfather. This is how he remembers the German occupation: “I […]
tourist guide blog
I like Chopin… (PART I)

Frederic Chopin was a true genius. It sounds like a banal statement, but there’s nothing that could describe him better. You need to take into account that the beginning of the 19th century was an epoch which produced „wonder children” almost like a factory line. There were however no major distractions to a child’s education, […]
What makes a good Warsaw tourist guide?

What makes a good Warsaw tourist guide? Is it the knowledge of history, arts, facts, and dates ? Or perhaps there is something more to that? Something that one cannot always determine well? Something that is maybe difficult to grasp? What is that certain something that makes people want to see the city with you, […]